“As two NSW nurses boasted of how they’d kill Jewish patients, our politicians have been flailing around for something to make us feel safe from what they unleashed when they opened the doors to mass immigration from the Middle East. But now we must pay”. Andrew Bolt
It was back in December 2014 that I first started speaking up publicly to express concerns regarding the growth of Islam in Australia and its threat to the welfare of generations to come.
In 2024, I reiterated my concerns in Friday Raves 70 and 71.
“Australians have been let down and abandoned by politicians serving the globalist Marxist elite agenda. The welfare of Australians now and in the future has been disregarded with damaging, irresponsible multiculturalism and immigration policies for the past 50 years. Australians must find their voice and object to treasonous government policy supporting the growth of a religious political ideology that is not compatible with our Western democratic nation”. (Friday Rave)
Immigration must be a central issue for the 2025 Federal election. The only immigrants we should take in are those who come to assimilate and embrace the values of our democratic western country.
What a joke, the 'Religion of Peace' with its one hundred plus verses of violence against non-believers, in its holy book, the Quran.
Islam's true nature and future threat to our nation are now becoming evident. As Islam is rising to play an influential role in Australia, this is a very concerning issue, now and even more so for generations to come.
There is no moderate version of the Quran.

On the issue of Islam's growth in Australia, I have much respect to Andrew Bolt, who has never been afraid to speak up against the ‘Religion of Peace’.
Andrew Bolt: Mass immigration has imported hatred, and it’s tribal
As two NSW nurses boasted of how they’d kill Jewish patients, our politicians have been flailing around for something to make us feel safe from what they unleashed when they opened the doors to mass immigration from the Middle East. But now we must pay.
I’m so shocked, scared, embarrassed and angry by what my country has become.
And now this.
Two Bankstown Hospital nurses, both wearing NSW Health uniforms, interrupted their shift on Tuesday night to boast in an online confrontation with an Israeli influencer how they’d kill Jewish patients.
“I won’t treat them, I’d kill them,” jeered Sarah Abu Lebdeh, wearing a hijab.
The other, Ahmad Rashad Nadir, apparently an Afghan immigrant who falsely claimed to be a doctor, showed no fear or shame in showing his face as he boasted he’d already killed Jewish patients.
“You have no idea how many Israeli … dog came to this hospital and … ” He then mimed cutting a throat: “I literally sent them to Jahannam (Hell).”
To feel a horror at this new Australia is no longer a Left or Right issue.
Susan Pearce, who heads NSW Health, is woke enough to announce she’s a she/her, yet even she choked back tears at a press conference after seeing in that video a toxic Australia she’d never imagined.
In a wavering voice, she protested: “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be standing here with two staff of the NSW health system having said such horrendous things.”
No, and there’s much else I never believed I’d see in this land of my birth. Never did I expect to now see a synagogue firebombed, another threatened with a caravan filled with explosives, Jews assaulted in the street.
Never did I expect to see an Australian government, hungry for Muslim votes, pretend there was an equal and opposite “Islamophobia” to worry about, and stoke this Jew hatred by demonising Israel, refusing to see Israel faced the same civilisational hatred, only even more brutal.
But there are some things I did see coming.
Forty years ago I saw Paul Keating and other Labor figures already pandering for Muslim votes by fighting to stop Muslim radical Sheik Taj El-Din Hilaly being expelled from Australia for his vile preaching.
They succeeded, and Hilaly became Australia’s Mufti.
How much hatred did he then whip up, praising the Hezbollah terrorist group as heroes and even calling the September 11 attack on America “God’s work against oppressors”.
So I can’t say I never expected to now see a Muslim hate preacher openly declare he was “elated” when Hamas terrorists massacred 1200 Jews; Israel-haters carrying the flags of Hezbollah and other terrorist groups; and a Sydney imam preach that the trees and stones would one day say: “Oh Muslim! There is a Yahudi (Jew) behind (me), come and kill them!”
Yet I was still stunned to see our governments fail to hold the ringleaders to account.
Is this now my Australia?
Is it yours?
Our leaders imported tribal hatreds they never understood, then refused to see, then failed to call out and only now try to tackle – too late! – with wild measures that are hopeless.
Now, with these vile nurses, we’re going through the whole whack-a-mole routine that changes nothing.
The NSW Health Minister called the nurses “bastards”. Check.
He said they’d never work again in NSW hospitals. Check.
He’d called in the police. Check.
And he’d ordered Bankstown Hospital’s records be examined to see whether the nurses had indeed killed Jewish patients. Check.
But does any Jew really think these two nurses are alone? Do any now feel safe going to Bankstown Hospital, or even walking through our cities wearing a kippah or a Star of David?
No, this hatred is not individual. It’s tribal.
I guess that’s why the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, our peak Muslim body, yet again fails to condemn an atrocity like this.
It’s also why more Australian Muslims fought for the Islamic State than volunteered for the Australian Army fighting them.
That’s something our leaders never worked out, when they opened our doors to mass immigration from the Middle East.
The Albanese government is even now giving tourism visas to 3000 Palestinians from terrorist-run Gaza without conducting proper security checks.
We imported more than people.
We imported a culture that’s very different, and interpreted by some imams to be in conflict with our own.
Now our politicians flail around for something, anything, to make us feel safe from what they stupidly unleashed and failed to control.
The Albanese government now boasts it’s passing the “toughest laws Australia has ever had against hate crimes”.
But these are laws against free speech we never needed before.
See? Our politicians changed our country, and now we must pay.
Daily Telegraph 13 January 2025
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