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Andrew Stewart

FRIDAY POST - Oops, the Great Barrier Reef simply won't die, despite the Climate Change Catastrophe doom.

Record Coral high 2024

"The Great Barrier Reef keeps hitting record amounts of coral despite the crazy claims it is dying."

(Dr Peter Ridd - former Professor at James Cook University, North Queensland for 27 years)

It seems that the Great Barrier Reef simply wont play its part in being evidence for the catastrophic effects of manmade climate change.

Here is an excellent video by Dr Peter Ridd to inform or expose the false cries of people sprouting doom about the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef.

Dr Peter Ridd is a physicist and expert in his field. He has published over 100 scientific publications and has researched the Great Barrier Reef since 1984. In 2018, James Cook University sacked him for going public and exposing the false science about the Great Barrier Reef.

In the video, Dr Ridd exposes how charlatan climate change scientists spread false doom to support the manmade climate change catastrophe scam.

It is disgraceful how scientists could support disinformation or, at best, misinformation to justify their BS jobs to gain additional taxpayers' money via government grants for an environmental problem that doesn't exist.

As Dr. Ridd points out in the video, wouldn't it be better for the environment to spend taxpayers' money fighting an environmental issue that really exists (e.g. noxious weeds)?

Dr Ridd calls for the Reef science institutions (e.g., the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies) to be audited and asked hard questions. They have been proven to be wholly unscientific, acting more like witch doctors telling us the end is nigh than proper scientists. 

What To Ask For

Ask a climate change scientist or deceived doomsday advocate of the man made climate change catastrophe hoax for empirical data without cherry-picked starting dates, and don't expect to receive the data (evidence).  You will probably receive a lengthy scientific report, as a typical lefty tactic is to overload with mountains of information to win an argument. However, keep asking this simple request: "Please provide empirical data without cherry-picked starting dates to support manmade climate change catastrophe." 


Please consider sharing this post and help support Dr Peter Ridd expose to the truth about the Great Barrier Reef. Just like the polar bears, help stop the Great Barrier Reef from being used by doomsday manmade climate change catastrophe advocates to support their hoax/scam and further perpetuate the globalist Marxist elite agenda.

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