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Andrew Stewart

Friday Rave 1 Silence / Conspiracy Theory

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

Cows calling conspiracy theory

For the past years, I have expressed my views regularly against the evil attacking this nation and threatening the welfare of my children.

From being the leader of a large social media page, reaching at one stage 2 million people a week, I have now limited myself to a "Friday Rave".

Predominantly, I have focused my concerns on what is happening to our beautiful country as it faces the evil destructive forces of global Marxism and cultural Marxism.

Our democratic way of life is threatened by big interfering government serving the interests of the globalist elite (i.e. World Economic Forum (WEF) and big corporate business) and the Marxist “long march through the institutions" (i.e. churches, charities, the media, schools, universities and corporate power).

Tin foil hat to crown

In 2015, when exposing the cancer within, 'cultural Marxism', one was laughed at and mocked as a “conspiracy theorist wearing a tin foil hat”.

Unfortunately, to my disappointment, this tin foil hat has turned into a crown of knowledge as Critical Theory / Political Correctness / Social Justice / Identity Politics / Cultural Marxism) attacks the West. The Italian communist Antonio Gramsci and the members of the ‘Frankfurt School of Germany must be smiling in their graves.

Those of us speaking up against the manmade climate change catastrophe hoax are seen in a similar light, mocked as “denialists” by those unaware or deceived by the real agenda of the WEF and its ‘Great Reset’.

Global warming was the vehicle chosen from the 1968 Club of Rome - invent a global problem, which requires a global solution, which will require global governance. Embarrassingly for the globalist elite, things got a little cold in the mid-1970s, so they had to change it to ‘Climate Change’.

Club of Rome

I encourage people not to be afraid to Speak the Truth in Love (Ephesians 4:15)

I encourage people to find their voice and speak up in some way, as using the words attributed to the German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who the Nazis killed.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:

God will not hold us guiltless.

Not to speak is to speak.

Not to act is to act.”

I conclude my first Friday Rave with the words on the wall as you leave the Fourth level of the Imperial War Museum in London, which is dedicated in memory to the horrors of the Jewish holocaust.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

(Attributed to Edmund Burke)

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