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Andrew Stewart

FRIDAY RAVE 18 - It's all about systems change, not climate change.

Updated: Apr 5

head in sand and Green mask

Climate change lockdowns ????? It's all about systems change, not climate change. Don't be deceived.

People must seek information beyond the globalist-controlled mainstream media (MSM) so they aren't so susceptible to being ruled by fear.

Future advocated climate change Lockdowns will be averted by a population that is informed and can't be controlled or manipulated by governments and bureaucrats utilising fear as a weapon to implement their agenda.

At the Nuremberg Trial (1945 for Nazi war criminals), Hermann Goering was asked a question. "How did you convince the German people to accept all this"?

He replied, "It was easy and has nothing to do with Nazism. The only thing a government needs to turn people into slaves is fear. If you can find something to scare them, you can make them do anything you want".

fearful mask wearers

We only need to look back over the past few COVID-19 years to see how people responded to the fear campaigns of government and what appeared to be a coordinated globalist mainstream media, bombarding the population with relentless fear.

It is difficult to believe that people so quickly gave up their freedom and complied with nonsensical directives from the government, which were not substantiated with scientific evidence to be effective.

Did you know that science before 2020 did not support the idea that wearing masks, social distancing, and lockdowns effectively prevented viruses?

scientist discovering money

It is quite amazing how science changed after 2020, when "Political Science" replaced Real Science.

Political science is the science that supports a political position and is funded by politicians or corporations with an expected conclusion. Climate change political science is junk science and definitely must not be trusted.

When Political Science says that we can save the world from man-made climate change catastrophes by locking down the people, will you believe it and conform???

Indeed, we don't want climate change lockdowns happening someday in Australia.

Be aware that as the man-made climate change catastrophe narrative increases. You will hear the drip feed of terms pushed by climate change alarmists, such as "climate change lockdowns" or "climate change restrictions", as the solution to their perceived greatest existential threat to the Earth and human beings.

You don't think climate change lockdowns will one day happen?

The Club of Rome

Those aware of the 1968 agenda of "The Club of Rome' know where today's climate change agenda weapon for change came from. However, it did have to have a name change from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Change' because of the cold spell in the mid-1970s (i.e. we were all going to die from a great freeze).

'Climate change' should be called 'systems change' as it's not about caring for the environment.

Climate change catastrophe is just a clever made-up problem demonising and targeting a strategic essential target, C02 to achieve political change - A New World Order

"The threat of environmental crisis will be the 'international disaster key'

that will unlock the New World Order."

(Mikhail Gorbachev, Former President of the Soviet Union, member of the Club of Rome"

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis

and the nations will accept the New World Order."

(David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive member, former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, founder of the Trilateral Commission, executive member of the World Economic Forum and donated the land on which the United Nations stands. Speaking at a U.N. Business Conference, Sept. 14, 1994)

Did you know that the UN’s Maurice Strong (a Marxist), who was the first head of UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) and who convened the first meeting of global experts on climate change, was a member of significance of the 1968 Club of Rome?

"[The Earth Summit will play an important role in] reforming and strengthening the United Nations as the centrepiece of the emerging system of democratic global governance."

(Maurice Strong, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Al Gore's mentor and executive member of the Club of Rome).

Boats over waterfall conspircay theory

It is worth watching this clip if you are unaware of the significance of 'The Club of Rome' and Agenda 21 in the drive for a New World Order.

Please note that name-calling is a Marxist left-wing strategy to silence free speech and discredit/cancel an alternative view supported by evidence. Those awake to Agenda 21 are referred to as "conspiracy theorists"

Join the dots, people.

Greta Reset Boot

The 'Great Reset' is about the fourth industrial revolution and is pushed by the WEF (World Economic Forum). It is about a change to all facets of life with man-made climate change fear as its essential tool to achieve this. Covid was an excellent crisis that was not missed to kick the can further down the road.

Mark Morano's book 'The Great Reset' discusses how COVID-19 accelerated the Great Reset of capitalism, focusing on how lockdowns promoted the agenda.

The book showcases how climate change lockdowns will be enforced as the path to 'The Great Reset'. The public that so readily surrendered its freedom for COVID lockdowns was noted as being prepared to give up its freedom for climate change lockdowns.

The Great Reset is about introducing digital currency, digital ID, Environmental and Social Governance, Environment and Social credit scores (like in China), and wealth redistribution by destroying small businesses and the middle class.

It also involves the introduction of a government-paid universal wage. "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy" (WEF), while the wealthy elite owns everything. 

If you dispute this, please do your research on how lockdowns lined the pockets of the globalist elite with billions of dollars, while stripping money from small businesses and the middle class.

We can resist the fascism of the globalist Marxist elite, as government and big business work hand in hand to increase their power and control. However, people must take the time to get informed on what is really happening behind the smoke and mirrors of the demonisation of C02 and how COVID-19 was a "good crisis" for political change.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste” (Winston Churchill)

All our lives are busy, so time doesn't cut it as an excuse to be ignorant of what is going on. Further, it costs little in time or money when quality material is provided to inform people of what is happening.

Suggested Reading

Here are some excellent resources that expose the deception, disinformation, misinformation, propaganda and misdirection that we have been subjected to by the Marxist Globalist Fascist government/big business and their paid political scientists, as well as the indoctrination from the Main Stream Media and Marxist dominated education system.

Marc Morano - "The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown"

Glenn Beck - The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of Twenty-First-Century Fascism

Mark Morano - Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think

Rosa Koire - “Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21”

Professor Ian Plimer - Green Murder - A life sentence of net zero with no parole

Mattias Desmet - The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Mark Twain

Mark Twain is recorded as saying.

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

I hope you will be open to having your thinking challenged. I respect what conclusion you come to, even if it opposes mine. Freedom of thought and respectfully opposing a view is essential if a Western democratic country is to survive.


Please feel free to disagree with me regarding man-made climate change catastrophe. However, disagree with empirical data, which does not use cherry-picked starting dates and uses data supported by evidence to prove that C02 will cause a man-made climate change catastrophe. I don't believe such data and evidence exists.

On a side note, here is a quality clip worth watching as Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn

Says "Climate Change is Junk Science" and explains in detail about sun spots and how he uses the sun to predict the weather.

If you agree with the contents of any of this Friday Rave, please join me in standing up by ‘Liking’ and ‘Sharing’ the Rave through social media and email. 


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