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FRIDAY RAVE 34 - Marxist Woke Destroying Aussie Spirit

Andrew Stewart

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Marxist Woke Destroying Aussie Spirit

Talent speaks for itself and not only excites but unites

When I was a boy, two of my favourite footy players were the great (NRL immortal) Manly and Australian star, Bobby Fulton and the great Manly and Australian Fullback Graham (Wombat) Eadie. I used to pretend I was Graham Eadie as I lined up my kicks to try and toe-punt the ball between the posts. Later I was mesmerised by the brilliance of another great Manly and Australian star, the mighty Cliffy Lyons. And, of course, there's the “Beaver”, the mighty Steve Menzies, another great Manly star and Australian International. I used to love watching the big-hitting Manly and Australian international, Terry Randal destroy opponents with his tackles, and I loved the hits of another Manly star and Australian international, Ian Roberts, as he smashed people. It was just awesome, as these guys were modern-day gladiators and as tough as nails. I could go on and on about the great Manly players of the past who I just loved watching and supporting because of their footy skills and toughness.

The colour of their skin or their sexual preference wasn't even a consideration, as they were just great players. Talented Australians, a couple that happened to be white and a couple that happened to be Aboriginal and one, that whilst I didn’t support his gay lifestyle, I supported him as a player and cheered for him all the way.

Whilst I wasn't that much into the AFL, the game, where you still score a point for missing, that code of footy has also had stars from all walks of life. I did love watching the rugby union during the golden years of the 80’s and 90’s. Two names come to the forefront for me, the magical Mark Ella and the brilliance of David Campsie. It was their talent that made them shine, not the colour of their skin, as they united us around the TV or radio.

Wasn't it great days when the footy was about footy, and we didn't have to listen to the Marxist Woke, virtue signalling, social justice agenda of the NRL, AFL, and ARU? Now the administrators of the NRL, AFL and ARU are trying to tell us how to vote, to change our Constitution, when they can't even get the rules right in their own code. Stick to the footy guys, and please get the Bunker calls right this weekend.

And whilst they weren’t footballers, didn't we all equally support two of the greats of women’s tennis Margaret Court and Evonne Goolagong Cawley? Great Australians, have nothing to do with their gender, skin colour or sexual preference.

What happened to the Aussie Spirit

I encourage people to watch the above YouTube from a politician who loves this country, loves his footy and cares for the freedom of ALL Australians. It contains an important message that we must act on. Let's get the Aussie spirit back.

Whether you vote Liberal or Labor, let's stop the Marxist divide, and I encourage you to make the time to watch the short video.

If you have been deceived by the Marxist, Woke, Virtue signalling, and social justice agenda, you really should watch the video.

All the best, try and tune out from the lefty politics and enjoy your footy this weekend - Go the mighty Manly Sea Eagles.

PS - If you support the Rave, please don't be afraid to hit the ‘Like” button, and please consider Sharing the message.


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