Speaking up against a bad idea is not racist
The Voice is an idea
The Voice is about Marxism
Ideas have consequences
Bad ideas have victims
Marxism has 100+ million victims
Speaking up against a bad idea is being a responsible citizen
“I’m Aboriginal and have campaigned for Aboriginal rights all my life. I oppose the Voice. Am I racist? Jacinta Nampijinpa Price opposes the Voice. She’s Warlpiri, advocates for Aboriginal women and children suffering violence and abuse and once jointly presented at the National Press Club with Marcia Langton, a leading Yes campaigner. Does Langton usually share a stage with racists? Recently, Jacinta and I brought a 20-strong delegation of Aboriginal opponents of the Voice to Canberra (whom Albanese shunned and most media ignored). Are they all racist too? Of course not. It’s not racist to oppose special rights that will upend our democratic system”.
Warren Mundine