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Friday Rave 55:Does the silence concerning a critical world issue get your "Spidey senses tingling"?

Andrew Stewart

Spider man Spidey senses Tingling

“Spidey senses tingling” is a superpower of Spider-Man, warning him about something dangerous. Researchers have also found that, like Spider-Man, If people nurture that capacity for discernment, they can sense that something is dangerous without ever being aware of what that thing is.

It’s a better option than remaining desensitised or oblivious to what is going on right in front of us.

The silence of not only the globalist-controlled mainstream media but also national parliaments, academics in universities ………… to the WHO global Pandemic Treaty and the May 2023 International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments, should be in people sounding inner alarm bells and activating critical thinking processes to question:

Why the silence?

What are they hiding?

What is the real agenda?

If that is not you, I encourage you to challenge yourself to ask why there is no inner response or a lack of urgency to enquire as to what is going on behind the scenes that will ultimately impact you and your loved ones.

Is it because:

  1. You are too busy getting through each day to investigate and discover the truth.

We live in an age where we are deliberately burdened with nonsensical jobs with nonsensical compliance requirements (i.e., “BS jobs”, as described by Mattias Desmet in his book ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism’) to occupy our lives and fill our minds so that we don’t have the time to think, let alone reflect deeply enough - and to distract us from what is going on.

2. Have you been so brainwashed by the globalist Marxist media, politicians, and academics that we have become numbed and dumbed to being a sheep, content to be herded to a predetermined outcome by a group of people known today as the globalist Marxist elite?

It is an irresponsible and pathetic position. You should look to change as it needs more concern for the younger generations - And for all those not in a place to speak up to defend themselves.

If that’s you, I encourage you to arm yourself with knowledge, give your spine a booster shot of courage in order to start standing up to make your own personal, lawful decisions instead of being herded to a position that someone else has predetermined for you to own.

3. You trust that the government will always act in the best interests of the people.

Sorry to ruin such a naive mindset. Friday Rave 30 should be a helpful cure to this problem.

Mr Been Clown World Winston Churchill

4. Could it be that your attention has been misdirected to focus on other issues so that you are unaware of the following two crucial matters threatening our democratic nation?

A. The threat imposed to democracy by our government consists in them handing our nation’s health sovereignty to the unelected globalist elite bureaucrats of the UN/WHO/WEF alliance through the ratification of the Global 'Pandemic Treaty' and IHR amendments. We didn’t vote for any such thing.

B. The censorship of free speech online through THE left-wing Albanese Labor government’s draft bill: Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation, Bill 2023).

Were you aware that the censoring of free speech - by our globalist Marxist Prime Minister, who is a puppet to the UN/WHO/WEF alliance - is written into both the Global Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments? Any reasonable person can discern that the whole created by these two ‘legal’ instruments is greater than the sum of its two parts!

YES - Albanese is a puppet of a cabal of people who, when honest, speak of themselves as the globalist elite.

Albanese puppet Klaus Schwab

The fact that the globalist Marxist elite wants to censor open debate or discussion regarding the WHO 'Pandemic Treaty' and IHR amendments should also have your “Spidey senses tingling”.

You won’t hear about this serious threat to our democratic way of life from the mainstream media or most politicians. However, please make the time to educate or challenge yourself further by watching this 17-minute video of Swiss Lawyer Philipp Kruse addressing the ‘Health and Democracy Conference’ in the European Parliament on 13 September 2023.

WHO PANDEMIC TREATY DANGER featuring Swiss Lawyer Philipp Kruse

THIS VIDEO from an Australian Senator alerts us all to the danger. There are a handful of good Federal politicians who have the intestinal fortitude to speak up against it. One of these is Senator Malcolm Roberts. These few are awake to the globalist Marxist agenda; We need more politicians in our country with ‘Spidey senses’. . . like Senators Roberts, Antic and Babet.


Don’t be just a social media keyboard warrior. Instead, write to the politicians. Insist that they pressure the Albanese Labor government to instruct the Australian delegate to the World Health Assembly (WHA) to withdraw Australia from the global WHO 'Pandemic Treaty'. Insist that they denounce the International Health Regulations of May 2022 and May 2023.

Friday Rave 41 - A message to the Albanese Labor Government and Dutton Liberal Opposition. contains a letter to assist you if time is a problem or if you are unsure what to write

Forests chopped down like democracy

I conclude with what I wrote in last week's Friday Rave.

Once we discern the magnitude of this threat to our nation and to our way of life in our communities within it, please join me and many others on ‘The Hill’. By this, we mean that’s where we stand united against the ratification by our Australian government of two legal instruments - the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments) that, through pandemic prevention, pandemic preparedness, and response, will cause "Member states to lose their sovereignty and autonomy", Philipp Kruse.

FURTHER DETAILED VIEWING for information about the IHR amendments

From the Facebook of a great Australian, former QANTAS pilot Graham Hood

If you agree with the contents of the Friday Rave, don't inadvertently become complicit in evil by being silent. Stand with me - as boldly as you are able - in speaking up. For example, you can start by liking and sharing The Rave through social media and email. You can discuss its contents with people… by asking questions and answering their questions from the volumes of knowledge provided in the Friday Rave Blog and the links to other quality sources contained in each Friday Rave.

8 則留言

評等為 0(最高為 5 顆星)。


Another absolutely brilliant Rave, Andrew! Spot on mate!!


Thanks Patriot



Very impressed with your 'rave'. See my comment on Facebook.

Muzz Morris


Thank you


Mick h
Mick h
評等為 5(最高為 5 顆星)。



I totally agree


評等為 5(最高為 5 顆星)。

Don't stay silent and do not comply !!!!!!!


In 2024 people must stop being silent

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