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Friday Rave 58 - You only have days to take action to protect our nation's health sovereignty.

Andrew Stewart

An early edition as time is running out for Australia.

Blonde taking selfie as train comes

"GO THE KIWI'S" - I can't believe I wrote that as a true blue Aussie. Like many other rugby tragics, I suffer the psychological damage inflicted upon me by the All Black's dominance of the Wallabies.

Well done to the Kiwis (New Zealanders) for preparing to stand up against the globalist Marxist elite UN/WHO/WEF alliance after booting out the remains of the globalist Marxist Labor government of the evil World Economic Forum (WEF) puppet Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, thus following the same ideology.

In all probability, you haven't heard from the globalist-controlled mainstream media how the newly elected Kiwi tri-party coalition government will be putting New Zealand first before the destructive one-world government agenda of the self-anointed globalist Marxist puppet masters of the UN/WHO/WEF.

New Zealand's new tri-party coalition government will implement a ‘NIT (‘National Interest Test'), a wise move that will ensure checks and balances are applied to any agreements with the UN (United Nations). As well as related bodies such as the WHO (World Health Organisation).

The 'NIT' will be applied by the Kiwi Coalition Government before accepting any agreements from the UN and its agencies that limit national decision-making. This action will reconfirm that New Zealand's domestic law holds primacy over any international agreements.

Any reasonable person will agree that this is how things should be; it is eminently sensible.

The first cab off the rank: The Kiwi government will implement a national test to consider whether the WHO's Global Pandemic Preparedness Treaty will impede the sovereignty of the New Zealand government in deciding how the nation will deal with future health issues.

Pup-peter Klaus Schwab with his puppet Albanese

Meanwhile, in Australia, our Prime Minister, "Absent Albo”, has full intentions of signing over Australia's health sovereignty to his UN/WHO/WEF elite. He is a puppet. They are his puppeteers.

(Note: Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison was also a member of the traitor class - politicians who have sold out to the globalists or graduated from the WEF 'Young Global Leaders Program' - a program to spread WEF allegiance and influence through all countries of the world).

I urge you to learn more about the implications to Australia's health sovereignty if the Albanese Australian delegate to the WHA (World Health Assembly) ratifies the signing of Australia to both the WHO Global Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations of May 2023.

Do you want unelected Marxist bureaucrats of the WHO (i.e. who failed the world in the handling of COVID-19) to be handed the central coordination authority for future international health responses?

This would be madness if Australians stood back and allowed an unelected body to fail upwards (i.e. fail to protect the very people they were elected to care about . . . and yet be rewarded with greater authority).

C'mon Aussie C'mon

The Kiwis have shown us Australians what we must do and what we should expect from a government that puts the welfare of our nation and its people first before the ideology and agenda of the globalist, self-anointed Marxist elite.

Australians MUST DEMAND - and en masse -that our elected government put our nation's interests first, and not bow to serving the globalist Marxist elite of the UN/WHO/WEF alliance. Do not kowtow to any unelected mob on our behalf: neither some invisible psychopathic technocrats, nor some cabal of plutocratic wealthy elites, not anything in between.


The 1 December 2023 is the International deadline for any country to reject the May 2023 International Health Regulation amendments.

We have just three days left to do this!


Write a letter to the Federal Health Minister before the 1st December 2023 international deadline for doing so. Use your own words, but direct Prime Minister Albanese to reject the International Health Regulations amendments.

PLEASE NOTE - The significance of the timing is that an upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting is set to take place this coming 4-6 December. This meeting will uncover whether there is "sufficient" global consensus to ratify the Pandemic Accord across member states in May 2024.

Below is an adapted letter to send to the Federal Health Minister. By all means, change it to add your own flavour. ministers’ offices regard such personalised letters more highly.

Dear Health Minister Mark Butler MP

You have a responsibility to Australia. You answer to the Australian people and not the globalist Marxist alliance of the UN/WHO/WEF.

The World Health Organisation has presided over perhaps the biggest health catastrophe in world history – rolling out barely tested experimental treatments that are gene therapies and were never vaccines.

Australians have discovered this mismanagement, observing that the vaccinated succumb to COVID at higher rates than the unvaccinated, and we are seeing excess deaths across Western countries since 2021 .

As a citizen in a representative democracy, where the government is tasked with being responsive to constituents, I am seeking an urgent written response from your Department to the following questions:

1. Does the Australian Government believe the WHO's mandated vaccination approach was effective? If Yes, could you please explain to me why the vaccinated can still transmit COVID-19 when we were told vaccination would stop this pandemic? And why are we seeing higher infection rates in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated?

2. Does the Australian Government believe the WHO's mandated vaccination approach was safe? If Yes, could you please explain to me why the vaccinated in every age group have higher excess deaths than the unvaccinated?

3. If No to the above, please explain to me why the Australian Government is continuing to pursue Treaties and Regulations giving the failed WHO unfettered control to internationally mandate more deadly 'vaccines' or other experimental mRNA gene therapy technologies.

I await your response, and also urge you as Health Minister to direct Prime Minister Albanese to reject the International Health Regulations by the 1 December 2023 international deadline for doing so.

Yours sincerely

(Sign your name and provide your address and phone number)

Send to


Please join with over 279.000 Australians who are awake and sign a petition

formed by former member of Parliament George R. Christensen urging decision-makers to reject the International Health regulation amendments that would centralise global heath management.


Let Parliament know that they need to hold an inquiry into the International Health Regulations by sending an email to the JSCOT (Joint Standing Committee on Treaties) secretariat.

This process has been simplified for you with a prepared letter that you can copy


Australians must never allow our government to hand over our nation's sovereignty to any foreign body.

Just as the New Zealand government is ensuring it doesn't lose the decision-making power to the unelected bureaucrats of the UN/WHO/WEF alliance, Australians must demand our traitorous government maintains control of the decision-making for all health concerns now and in the future.

If it's too much for you to act in opposition to the IHR amendments, then by your lack of action, you are complicit and deserve what you get, as you have been warned. (I hope you enjoy your future lockdowns and experimental drugs). Unfortunately, innocent generations to come will have to suffer because of your apathy and ignorance.

If you agree with the contents of the Friday Rave, don't inadvertently become complicit in evil by being silent.

  • Make the time to act on all three Action Tasks.

  • Stand with me - as boldly as you are able - in speaking up. For example, you can start by liking and sharing The Rave through social media and email.

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Nov 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Well written Stewy! Will follow up with above actions! 👍🏻 CD

Dec 30, 2023
Replying to

Thank you and well done for following up with action.



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