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Friday Rave 72 Listen As You Increase Your Step Count - Dr Ben Carson

Andrew Stewart

Dr Ben Carson

This is the first of Raves to highlight quality interviews or videos that are informative and challenging to readers.

I encourage you to put on the earphones and listen as you go for a walk. You will gain fitness, knowledge and detox your brain from the indoctrinating Globalist Marxist bull dust you are constantly bombarded with from all angles.

With the US election approaching, I will kick off "Listen As You Increase Your Step Count" with a superb interview with Dr Ben Carson by Tucker Carlson in July 2024.

Former neurosurgeon and now a political figure,Dr Carson is a uniting voice in a time of divisive Marxist identity politics. A voice not judging people by their religion, colour or political choice.

An interview that I am pleased to announce confirms what I already know. I am not some far-right whacko having a rave. My thoughts align with a brilliant mind, who I wish was running in 2024 to be the leader of the free world as President of the USA.

It was in 2015 that I became aware of a great man, Dr Ben Carson, when he was running to be the Republican candidate for the 2016 US Presidential election. At the time, I thought he would be the best person to be President. After listening to this interview with Tucker Carlson, my initial thoughts are one hundred per cent verified.

WEF puppet Anthony Albanese

I wish Australia had someone of the calibre of Dr Ben Carlson leading our nation.

Unfortunately for our country, we have a puppet clown, Anthony Albanese, who serves the UN/WHO/WEF alliance with his Marxist politics. 

Tucker Carlson Kamal Harris Dr Ben Carson
Click to view the interview

I suggest you ignore the heading of this interview as it doesn’t do full justice to the contents of this quality interview, which covers many topics and areas of life. His views on the killing of unborn babies, which Globalist Marxist Kamala Harris with her depopulation agenda supports, is a must-listen-to.

After the 33 minute mark the interview goes well beyond just talking about the Marxist Kamala Harris, former president Donald Trump and the American election.

The following are topics covered in the interview

  • The mainstream media and its coordinated Marxist agenda 

  • the deliberate infiltration of forces supporting the move to Communism 

  • The attack from within nations by cultural Marxist identity politics as it divides people, causing people to see others with an opposing view as an enemy

  • The need to bring down America before a one world government can be implemented

  • The hostility to Christianity being driven by Marxism 

  • The theology of environmentalism

  • His relationship with God being the foundation of his success 

  • The respect he has for his mother and the impact of the upbringing she gave him (just beautiful to listen too) -(ie no excuses, merit was the measure and she made him read books) 

  • wonderful advice for 25 year olds 

  • The cultural war against the traditional nuclear family and the formation of children.

  • The making of "sexual perversion to be normal, natural and healthy". (Romans 1:18-32 says it all )

  • Sound marriage advice 

  • Don’t listen to negative people 

  • Opposition to the victim mentality and promotion of working hard 

  • The physical decline of people

  • Sensible environmentalism as opposed to going to the extreme and using the environment to manipulate and control people (ie global Marxism)

  • His views on the Covid mandates and vaccines

  • His views on the Donald Trump assassination attempt 

  • His views on the killing of unborn babies (softened and hiding the reality of it by calling it abortion). The way the he describes it has carved in my mind something I will never forget (near the end of the video 

  • And more, including encouraging people not to be afraid to be brave and stand against evil and stand up for what you believe.

    “You can not be the land of the free if you’re not the home of the brave”

Did you know that Kamala Harris supports the killing of the baby on the left?

This interview is lengthy to listen to (103 minutes) but a good one to walk and listen to as you increase your step count over the week.

I hope you find it as informative and helpful as I did. 

If you agree with the contents of this Friday's Rave, please join me in standing up against evil by ‘Liking’ and ‘Sharing’ the Rave on social media and email. 


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