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Andrew Stewart

Friday Rave 74 - STOP the suicidal path our nation is taking over climate change

Aliens not invading as Australi destroys itdself over cow farts

The famous military general and emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, once said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

I’m sure if aliens wanted to invade Australia, they would hold off the attack as we kick own goals by: increasing the national debt, dropping living standards, and crippling industry with the insane drive towards net zero by 2050.

Politicians in Australia have not been honest with the Australian people by being upfront and informing them that if you want a nation run on renewables, you have to accept there will be a dramatic drop in living standards.

A much-respected politician, former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson, talks about this issue in his interview with Konstantin Kiser, ‘The biggest problem with climate change’.

India eliminates extreme poverty
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As if billions of people across the world in countries where they have fought their way out of poverty are going to be prepared to step back into poverty and drop their living standards to protect the environment over the welfare of their families.

Australians who support the push to renewables at the cost of living standards, thinking they will significantly reduce the world's C02 levels, have rocks in their head.

The virtue-signalling argument that we as a nation must set an example to the rest of the world is irresponsible for the welfare of future Australians. Considering Australia’s minimal contributions to world CO2 levels (approximately 1.3%), it is ridiculous to sacrifice our nation's prosperity for such a futile cause—a cause made up for sinister political objectives, not environmental ones.

Club of Rome

The lie of a manmade ‘global warming’ disaster was invented by globalist Marxists of the 1968 Club of Rome as a strategy for achieving their Agenda of One World Government and depopulation.

Learn more about the 1968 Club of Rome

Unfortunately, too many Australians have drunk the kool-aid of the globalist-controlled legacy media, globalist politicians, globalist corporations, globalist bureaucrats and the many scientists funded to discover predetermined outcomes.

Globalists fear campaigns have inhibited the critical thinking skills of too many Australians. We witnessed in the COVID years just how many Australians lost their minds (i.e. vaccinated people fearful of mixing with the unvaccinated and wearing masks that were as effective as a cyclone fence stopping a mosquito ……………..I could go on with countless examples of irrational thinking/brain paralysis caused by fear during that disgraceful time in our history).

Fear has allowed Marxists, using man-made climate change, to manipulate and control people like dumb sheep to support the crazy notion that increasing levels of plant food (C02) will destroy the planet. It is just absurd and Australians need to wake up and stand in defiance.

Albanese dummy with Klaus Schwab
Click to Read Friday Rave 67

With their vote, people power in 2025 can stop the suicidal path to destruction of our nation and save the lives of millions in the future (the legacy of Marxism is death). Politicians who support the man-made climate change catastrophe hoax by either being: sellouts to the UN/WHO/WEF alliance (i.e. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese), deceived, or lacking the spine to speak up against it must be removed from parliament.

Nobel Prize winner John Clauser

FRIDAY RAVE 64 - Sunk Cost Part 2/3 Are You experiencing ‘Sunk Cost’… when it comes to the man-made climate change agenda? goes into depth to expose the manmade climate change catastrophe hoax. If you have been deceived, I encourage you to be open enough to read what is presented and apply your critical thinking skills.


If you are unaware of the methane issue or have been deceived, here is an excellent video by a farmer exposing the lie. We have nothing to worry about cow farts.

Cow Farts


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Jan 04
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Another enlightening article. Thanks.

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