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FRIDAY RAVE 77 - Do you know who you are voting for? - Exposing Comrade Anthony Albanese

Andrew Stewart

I have purchased a book for information to include in future Friday Raves, exposing global and cultural Marxism.

‘COMRADE PRIME MINISTER: Anthony Albanese's 40-Year Alliance with Australian Communism’ By Trevor Loudon

The book exposes the links to Communism by our Marxist Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his fellow comrades, which include: Foreign Affairs Minister Senator Penny Wong, Federal MP for Macquarie, Susan Templeman (an Australian Fabian Socialist) and many others from the far left of politics who have worked their way into prominent positions via the the Marxist left wing of the Australian Labor Party (ALP).

In his first term and indeed only term, unless Australians are fools, Anthony Albanese has shown that he is a Marxist causing division, chaos and suppressing free speech.

Using cultural Marxist identity politics in the application of Critical Race Theory, Albanese attempted to not only divide our nation using race but tried to hand power to a handful of unelected bureaucrats through the ‘Voice to Parliament’ referendum. Thankfully, Australians rejected his attack on democracy. However, his band of Marxists came close to changing our way of life forever.

Dummy Albanese and Klaus Swabb

Being a puppet of the globalist Marxist UN/WHO/WEF alliance, the Albanese ALP / Green Marxist alliance supports the globalist lie of manmade climate change catastrophe, as it applies Marxist theology to attack capitalism by: destroying industry and small businesses, as well as robbing the middle class.

Albanese's recent weak stand against China over the three Chinese Navy ships further shows his allegiance to China. He is just Xi Jinping's dog.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. The ALP supports the growth of Islam in Australia to cause chaos and undermine the Judeo-Christian values of our nation. Albanese and fellow Communist Penny Wong have acted disgracefully in supporting Islam since the Hamas terrorist attack of 7 October 2023. It is on their watch as antisemitism grows in Australia. Islamic immigration with negligent vetting processes of Palestinian immigrants places our country at risk from future terrorist attacks.

1984 Big Albanese is watching you

Albanese's constant attacks on free speech is totalitarian (ie his failed Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024 and the Hate Crimes Bill, which was passed in February 2025)

This list is not exhaustive of the Marxist driven actions of our far-left Prime Minister.

I hate to think what will happen to our beautiful country under a second term of Albanese as he steps up his application of both global and cultural Marxism to cause political change.

Only a fool would want to give up democracy for socialism unless they plan to be one of the ruling elite.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

George Orwell's Animal Farm

Australians must decide in 2025 with their vote if they want to travel further down the left path toward socialism OR take the path back to the sensible centre/centre right, and the Judeo-Christian values our Western country was founded on.

I will leave you with commentary from Author Trevor Loudon, who wrote . 'COMRADE PRIME MINISTER: Anthony Albanese's 40-Year Alliance with Australian Communism'

“Anthony Albanese is the Prime Minister of Australia. He is also a 40+ year covert Marxist and ally of Australia's small, but highly influential communist movement.

Albanese is also Australia's most pro-China leader in more than 50 years.

Albanese and his equally radical and pro-China Foreign Minister Penny Wong seem hell-bent on weakening Australia's ties with traditional Western allies and moving their country entirely into Beijing's sphere of influence.

As President Trump challenges China in the Pacific, Australia will play a very influential role - either as a valuable part of the Western Alliance or as a puppet of China.

If enough Australian voters are alerted to Albanese's covert communism, he will likely be defeated and replaced by a pro-Western conservative in the upcoming May 2025 election.

"Comrade Prime Minister: Anthony Albanese's 40-Year Alliance with Australian Communism" can be found here:

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